
Job Vacancies


Eaton Yukon IED Manager Suite (IMS)

    IMS Event Manager

    IMS Event Manager

    IMS Event Manager provides corporate-wide access to power system events, fault records, SOE, and oscillography from protection relays and DFRs.

    IMS Event Manager automatically retrieves event data from fault recorders and protection relays, notifies the proper users, and sends the event data along with the notification. Users can now have all the information they need to rapidly diagnose and act on problems, dispatch repair crews, and eventually restore service by remote connection to the affected device.

    IMS Security Server

    IMS Security Server

    IMS Security Server provides authentication and authorisation services for all IMS modules, for Eaton’s SMP Gateway, and for managed devices. It integrates with Microsoft Active Directory service to provide the single sign-on capability to substation and distribution network devices. When used with IMS Passthrough Manager, users no longer need to know IED passwords and connect to IEDs using their standard corporate credentials, or IMS application credentials.

    IMS Security Server implements role-based access control, managing access by the user, by the group, by regions, by substation, and by IED, helping comply with NERC CIP requirements.

    IMS Passthrough Manager

    IMS Passthrough Manager provides utilities with a secure remote maintenance and engineering solution. Users can connect to remote devices using familiar vendor tools as if they were connected directly to the IED.

    IMS Passthrough Manager helps meet NERC CIP requirements by acting as an Intermediate System, implementing encrypted communications and centralised access management based on user, region and IED.

    IMS Configuration Manager

    IMS Configuration Manager

    IMS Configuration Manager automatically retrieves and stores IED asset management information and configuration settings, detects changes to the baseline configuration and notifies appropriate users.

    The IMS Configuration Manager provides transmission utilities with a powerful tool to reduce engineering efforts and help meet NERC CIP configuration management requirements. It provides all the necessary reports to keep track of cyber assets, their firmware updates and configuration change history. It stores all configuration settings in a database providing rapid recovery capability and the capability to roll back settings to an original known good value.

    IMS Password Manager

    IMS Password Manager

    IMS Password Manager provides a comprehensive set of tools and reports to manage IED passwords, increasing system security and helping meet NERC CIP requirements.

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