
Job Vacancies


Parking Enforcement

    Parking Enforcement Management

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TicketOr2 is ADR’s software-as-a-service based parking enforcement solution. ADR is one of the leading providers of systems for local parking authorities. Wardens are able to print out tickets on the spot, download the information, and if necessary, carry the process right through to any court proceedings.

Hosted in the cloud by ADR, TicketOr2 offers a full parking enforcement administration system with digital camera, scanner and voice recording options, as well as live in-field updates. Incorporating ‘cloud computing’, clients require only a simple computer, such as net books, designed with cloud computing in mind, or even a smartphone, with a connection to the internet, or a company network, in order to make requests to and receive data from TicketOr2. It enables full infringement cycle management and as such is state of the art and offers an easy to use, reliable solution.

ADR Handheld equipment has been developed to meet the rigorous demands of field conditions, and ADR provides full hardware and software support. It offers digital camera, scanner and voice recording options, as well as live in-field updates.

Find out more  Read City of Hobart case study

Read Wellington City Council case study


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